Saturday, June 19, 2010

Random Pics

Kev and I got to float the river 2 days before it flooded! We had a great time with the Lowden's!

We took a little SWLA adventure on Mother's Day. We did the Creole Nature Trail, saw lots of BIG alligators and went ot the beach in Cameron. We have effectively set Taylor's beach expectations extremely low.

We went to visit our old BR neighbors, the Hazlip's, at thier new house in New Roads, LA. Taylor and Mac had an interesting evening...while longing for the LiteBright, Taylor climbed a chair, fell and knocked out his other front tooth. So we now have ZERO front teeth.

Taylor went to baseball camp at Barbe HS here in Lake Charles. I was super proud of him just for hanging in there. It was 4 days, all morning and it was super hot. He worked very hard and had lots of fun!

Paw Paw and Tyler Ann at Taylor's last t-ball game!

We had lots of visitors in May. Big Tom came in mid-May for a couple of t-ball games.

Kevin's mom came for a surprise visit and Ron Myers, Kevin's junior college baseball coach at Santa Rosa, and his son DJ came for a week of golf at Gray. Taylor loved having Dad's coach here...very cool that Dad had a coach too.

Kids at Gray Plantation on the putting green!

In Austin going to church with BB!

Tunnel time!

Splish splash...bath time!

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