Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tyler Ann is here!

Here are some pics of Tyler's big debut! Monday, August 10 at 7:42 am, weighing 9lbs, 3oz and 21 3/4 inches long. We both came home from the hospital today and are glad to be home with the world's best big brother and Dad. She's perfect and we're loving every second with her.


Me and My Girl said...

Congratulations! Pink rocks! Wow, best of both worlds with your little man and sweet little lady! Wonderful Sunny, I'm so happy for you guys!

Michelle said...

Congratulations to you all! Tyler is beautiful and Taylor looks like he's a pro at the big brother thing already! We hope to meet her soon!
The Halls

Trip and Nicole said...

I seriously hope that I am as cute pregnant as you are! I am so jealous, beautiful and tiny at 9 months pregnant... how does that happen?

Congrats on your beautiful baby girl, can't wait to see her!